A downloadable game

Working on this game was a bigger bite than I expected it to be. I got into writing shaders which was a whole new world for me. I understood shader code before this game and made shaders with Unity's built in shader editor called Shader Graph, but this was on a whole other level. The shader that I am talking about is the one used to roll the layer as the spatula is moving. The way it works is: the spatula cuts the mesh of the top layer, the material that is on the layer tesselates (adds more vertices) the mesh for a smoother roll and then rolls the layer (using a modified formula of the circle) based on spatula's coordinates. 

Combining so many shader functionalities proved difficult and I ended up learning a lot more about shaders than I expected. There was an interesting problem with tesselation, it doesn't support normal maps, and me and my team needed those normal maps to really bring the honey comb layer to life. I ended up writing another shader without tesselation, instead we used 3d models which already contained many vertices (but not too much) to avoid tesselation.

Looking back, there was probably a faster way to achieve the same effect, but I valued learning new things more than just finishing the job fast. Later I added layers that didn't roll, but instead crumbled! Making this game was a fun experience and it is probably the most visually pleasing for me.

Github link: https://github.com/dzozrawr/ASMR-Scraping

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